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Worried about Your Windshield in Winter Weather?

It is that time of year! The holiday season is in full swing, including winter weather: familiar jingles, colorful lights, crackling fireplaces, friendly faces – oh, and frosted windshields. Falling temperatures have car owners scouring the Internet for methods to prevent or remove icing from windshields. We spoke with our service department experts to compile […]

Where Everybody is a Somebody

Our team at AutoPark Honda realizes that reputation is king – and we all make a concerted effort to contribute in building a positive reputation. Management meticulously selects only the most qualified and diligent candidates to become the faces of our dealership. The process of maintaining our stellar reputation begins when you walk onto the […]

‘Tis the Season in Raleigh on Thursday!

Cheerful notes of favorite holiday jingles waft across the gentle wind of crisp, wintery air. Families bundled fat with sweaters and coats gather around the city square – in the middle, a darkened tree. Suddenly, thousands of lights shine bright against the contrast of the evening sky, highlighting the tree, elegantly adorned with bulbs, which […]

V2G: Investing In Our Future

Progress is the product of innovation. It challenges the established order and inspires young minds. One of the most important facets of the automotive industry is the research placed into developing innovative means of fueling our transportation. Whether the technology is organically-based or finds its power from electrical sources, the world seeks new ways to […]

Honda Has Solutions: HondaLink App

Distractions. We are immersed in a world of technology and a culture that champions it. These devices and software programs, though helpful, can often cause distractions in a variety of environments. Whether it is texting, social media updates, funny videos, or navigation, we have every comfort and piece of entertainment at our fingertips. Luckily for […]