If you haven’t ordered your arrangement by now, chances are slim that any local florist will have the time or the resources to help. While a card is nice, your mom deserves a bit more of an effort than a mass-produced three-stanza rhyme. That’s why we are taking a break from our typical blog post […]
Archive | Lifestyle
What Did You Do for Earth Day?
Oh, Earth Day. The single day of the year that people around the globe pledge to accomplish something positive for the planet on which we live. It wields influence. Politicians seeking greater support will clamor for more stringent emissions standards, and the President will likely fulfill a standard his predecessor’s set by planting a tree […]
Odd Traffic Laws from around the Globe
Most of us have experienced the dread of peering into the rear view mirror to see the flashing lights of the boys in blue. Whatever traffic law we violated – speeding, drifting through a stop sign, or failure to signal – at least they are logical, even if the cost of the ticket isn’t. This […]
Honda’s Virtual Tour of Route 66
We often take to ascribing things we love as “American.” Our families even have sayings that capture the essence of this patriotism. Think apple pie. Many products and innovations have been made in this nation, so how does something become a focal point – a representative, even – of the American culture? Music is often […]
Have a Safe Holiday Season!
It’s the start of a holiday week, and (hopefully) all your preparations have been made. Travel plans have been set, routes have been Google-mapped, pet-sitters arranged, menus have been planned, parties have been attended and gifts are as close to being perfect as they’re ever going to be. Now is that briefest of moments when […]